Announcement for Students taking online classes:

If you are enrolled in one or more online classes, please note that ALL online classes are now in CANVAS. You enter Canvas from the link provided on the left hand column in JICS.

The sign-in instructions are also provided below this announcement.

DO NOT submit any work for online classes in JICS. You will not receive credit or grades for the work submitted in JICS. You will only receive credit and grades for work submitted through CANVAS.

Once you sign-in to your classes in CANVAS, begin the start here module in your courses which will provide orientation to online classes and CANVAS. It is no longer necessary to enroll in or complete the ORIN 1001 course.

The 5 week long online courses are designed for Non-traditional Adults 25 years of age or older enrolled in one of the Adult Degree Completion Programs—OMP, CRJA or BSIS. If you are a traditional student enrolled in one or more of these courses, see your adviser immediately.

Please see below for log-in instructions.


Instructions for Logging in to CANVAS:

We would like to introduce our new Online Course Management System….Canvas.  While we will continue using JICS as our web-based student portal, our ONLINE COURSES will be delivered through Canvas.   If you have signed up for online courses, then you will visit Canvas to receive instruction, get your assignments and submit your assignments.  Again, this is solely for ONLINE COURSES only.  All other courses and information will continue to be delivered here through JICS.

To get to Canvas:

There are now two ways in which you can get to Canvas to take your online courses.  You can click on the Canvas link located at the top right of the Wiley website or you can click on the “Canvas Online Courses” link located on the left-hand sidebar menu of JICS once you log in. 

Once you’ve clicked on the link, you will be taken to the Wiley College Canvas Log-In Screen.  Once this screen pops up, enter your credentials for Canvas.  See below for your credentials.

  • Login:    Your Wiley College Email Address
  • Password:     Type the word wiley (in all lowercase) and the last three digits of your Student ID number (example below)

(For example, let’s use a sample student named John Doe.  His social security number is 12345.  So, John’s Canvas password would be:  wiley345).


If you have any issues with logging in, do not know your Wiley College email address  or any questions about determining your password, please submit a HelpDesk ticket to Wiley College IT department located on the Wiley website home page (link can be found at the bottom).